More than 200 homeowners met this past Saturday with representatives of banks and HUD-certified housing counselors to try and find solutions to their mortgage problems. Housing Counselors and bank reps tried to create work out plans to keep folks from foreclosure. At the same time, advocates provided information about other options available to homeowners facing default and highlighted the need for changes in public policy that will protect Washington homeowners from foreclosure. The meeting, dubbed “Mortgage Help Day,” was organized by Solid Ground’s Statewide Poverty Action Network and a large group of governmental entities and nonprofits. The event was held at South Seattle Community College.
Throughout the day a recurring theme was that the Federal Government’s Home Affordable plan was not working to help homeowners the way it was envisioned.
KOMO News’ coverage showcases some of the challenges homeowners are facing.
The Statewide Poverty Action Network also collected stories from frustrated homeowners to take to the Washington State legislature this coming session in an effort to get legal help for struggling homeowners. Specifically, they are promoting legislation that would create a mandatory mediation process in Washington State. This would give homeowners every opportunity to avoid foreclosure and maximize the ability for loan modifications. In 23 other states and municipalities around the country, this mediation process has helped 60 percent of participants avoid losing their homes.
doug says
Truly something must be done, with one in five homeowners now behind on payments.