DISPARATE IMPACT: A fair housing video
Disparate Impact is a 2 ½-minute video about fair housing was made by the Oregon Law Center. It attempts to introduce the concept to a general audience. It was made as part of a grant geared toward educating Oregon landlords and PHAs, but the concepts here apply nationally.
DEBT COLLECTION LAWSUIT? Use new online interview to defend yourself!
Washington LawHelp has a new interactive interview to assist individuals facing a debt collection lawsuit in Washington state. Answering a Lawsuit for Debt Collection allows you to create the paperwork you need to defend yourself and respond properly and on time. After you complete an online interview, the documents are created for you to print out, sign, file and serve.
This is one of several interactive “HotDocs” interviews available at Washington LawHelp, where you can also create court papers to Seal Juvenile Court Records and File for Divorce (if No Minor Children).
SHARE YOUR STORY: Affordable Housing & Homelessness
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) is collecting personal stories from people who have struggled to afford housing and/or have experienced homelessness. Her office is looking for a large volume of stories to help demonstrate the widespread and urgent need to invest more federal resources in affordable housing.
To submit stories, access the tool on Senator Cantwell’s website, “Affordable Housing & Homelessness: Share Your Story,” and fill out the short form. Personal details will be shared only with permission.
A one-day, FREE health education event that brings together community partners, nonprofit organizations, government agencies and local businesses to support mental health and well-being in our community. For information, call 206.257.6600.
Thursday, May 12, 2016 | Info Booths: 10am—2pm | Breast Cancer Screening: 9am—5pm
Navos Mental Health & Wellness Center, Revelle Hall, 136th St & Ambaum Blvd SW, Burien, WA 98146
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