In an effort to give our plants a drink when they need it and keep the drip-drop and pitter-patter a’coming on days without the gray skies and rain clouds, we are phasing in a drip irrigation system at Marra Farm.
Remember the greenhouse we installed last spring? Well, our friends at the BDA Corporation have continued their support of Lettuce Link’s Marra Farm Giving Garden, generously donating funds for the initial implementation of our new irrigation system. We installed the drip system in a few perennial beds in August, and wow, the strawberries loved it! Despite a record sunny dry spell this fall, we ate strawberries well-into October.
We installed the next phase of the project on that rainy November day. Working with a group of ten volunteers, we managed to irrigate nearly 25 beds. Come spring, we will complete the rest of the project, saving water, time, and money.
Next year we’ll be hearing the drip-drop and pitter-patter all season long, on rainy and sunny days.
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