Solid Ground believes everyone deserves to have a Happy Holiday!
We know that you feel the same. Every year our Adopt-a-Family program relies on the generous support from wonderful people like you.
Now, you can lift the spirits of families and make the holidays special for those who need it most. You and your friends can work together to make a difference in the lives of people struggling to overcome homelessness, unemployment, and the hard-hitting effects of the continuing economic downturn by donating gift cards, and if you like, a small present, to our annual Adopt-a-Family program. Every single dollar helps families have a Happy Holiday. We appreciate all that you do. Thank you!
You can donate directly on our website or email Indiigo Klyne to get more information about getting involved.
This time of year is especially hard for parents who already have a difficult time providing for their children. They rarely get the opportunity to go shopping for gifts for their kids. This year parents will be able to give gifts that they have picked out specifically for their loved ones.
Many of the families we serve are homeless, moving in and out of shelters and other short-term housing. Having a lot of unnecessary material items makes moving very difficult. Traditional holiday gift giving programs, though very helpful, often end up giving families too much ‘stuff.’ Gift cards allow parents to buy what they need while keeping in mind their children’s likes and dislikes.
Making the holiday program centered on gift cards allows parents to take control of one aspect of their lives and creates the steps for them to be less dependent on others. Solid Ground has very successful case management programs. We work very closely with the families we serve to create lasting changes in their lives. To do this, we have to trust that parents will make the right choices for themselves and their children. Case managers sign up only those families that have the greatest need and the ones they are confident will make the most out of the Adopt-a-Family program.
The gift card approach allows an individual’s dollars to go farther. In previous years people have bought hundreds of dollars worth of gifts, thinking they had to buy everything on a family’s wish list. Now sponsors can donate small amounts and still make a big difference. Individual contributions can be combined to support a family.
Logistically it is much easier to give gift cards. Solid Ground doesn’t have storage space to collect and organize gifts for hundreds of families. Plus, not having to go shopping for items saves valuable time for our sponsors at an already very busy time of year.
julia says
Hi my name is julia a lady in terapy in domestic violcens got my famili adopted for cristmas before and I have never agien be able to see my child so happy opening gift my inglish is not so good I dont know u or the people how adobted my famili but I want to say tank u so much for people like u I culd never do that my self for my kids it make me bery happy to see them. So exated opening gift tank u god bless u all for making posible sometin that was so inposible in all ways that was a big surprise when we did t expectec thank u I wish I new how to explain to u all the joiy u give to people wiht ur help tank u the work put is worht it it realy brins. Joiy keep it up tank u