Solid Ground welcomes our partnership with the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), which enables federal employees like you to make regular donations to nonprofits like us through their payroll system.
Your support helps us:
- Provide housing, food, and accessible transportation services to over 67,000 marginalized people each year, including seniors, BIPOC and LGBTQAI+ community members, and domestic violence survivors among many others. (Visit our About page to learn more about Solid Ground’s mission, vision, history, and focus.)
- Prevent homelessness through rental assistance, supportive housing, and more. This past year we prevented 836 people from losing their housing through rapid rehousing, case management, and support services like tenant counseling.
- Combat racism and other oppressions through our anti-racism, social justice, and advocacy work, which centers the voices of people most impacted by poverty to make lasting change in our community.
Donate to Solid Ground via the CFC!
As a federal employee, you have the unique opportunity to help solve poverty through payroll deductions. Just select a regular donation amount for Solid Ground each year between September – December. Use our Charitable ID number: 49317.
When you donate to Solid Ground, you join the fight to solve poverty in Seattle and King County!