The De-Escalate Washington campaign turned in almost 360,000 signatures on I-940, an initiative to the Washington State Legislature that would reduce violence in our communities and build bridges between communities and police.
Solid Ground endorsed I-940 so that the police, who we entrust to serve and protect us, will have the training, understanding and tools they need – and deserve to have – to better deal with the very challenging situations they face on a daily basis. The initiative means that if situations do go awry and police use deadly force, there would be a better chance that those impacted by that force could survive. It means there would be more transparency in investigations into the use of force and the possibility of true accountability.
Washington state lawmakers will take up I-940 during the 2018 legislative session. They can choose to deny it (in which case it would go on the November, 2018 ballot), or amend the proposal (in which case both the original and amended version would go to voters).
- Like/follow De-Escalate Washington on Facebook, for updates about legislative action on the Initiative.
- Follow De-Escalate WA on Twitter and retweet their messages with these hashtags: #Signi940 #i940NOW #DeEscalateWA
Solid Ground Media on 1-940
- Want police to de-escalate situations? Support this – 11/13/17, Crosscut by Gordon McHenry, Jr., Solid Ground President & CEO
- Join the movement to reduce police violence! – 10/2/17, Groundviews, by Gordon McHenry, Jr.
- Solid Ground endorses De-Escalate Washington (I-940) – 7/11/17, Groundviews, by Gordon McHenry, Jr.