From our partners at Lettuce Link, Rainier Vista: Giving Garden Update in Southeast Seattle:
The January sky lightens up a bit, and all of us at Lettuce Link are preparing for the spring ahead. With the help of the Department of Neighborhoods, the Seattle Housing Authority, and other community partners, we are working to transform half an acre in the Rainier Vista neighborhood in a giving and teaching garden.
Modeled after Marra Farm, the Seattle Community Farm will be a space for low-income residents of Rainier Valley to grow food for themselves and to share with the Rainier Valley Food Bank. While the garden will focus on food production, there will be many chances for gathering, celebrating, and learning. Garden education opportunities will be available throughout the growing season — seed saving, children’s gardening, and food preparation workshops are all being considered.
Lettuce Link’s VISTA Members, Jamie Robinson and Leslie Heimer, are coordinating outreach activities in and around Rainier Vista — asking neighbors what they would like to grow, how they would like the garden to look, and how they will be involved. We are particularly interested in hearing ideas for celebrations and community gatherings that can take place in the garden. When neighbors come together to break bread (or chard or broccoli for that matter), strong communities can take shape.
If you are interested in being involved in the Seattle Community Farm, please contact Jamie or Leslie at There will be many opportunities to share your ideas, or just to get your hands dirty.
Anna Baldwin says
This is an incredible project! Thank you to all those working for food justice through this new farm. Imagine the benefits for minds, bodies, and spirits if this type of education and interaction with our food supply and our neighbors, were available in every community!