If you wanted to share an important message with your community, how would you do it?
Maybe you’d log on to social media, like TikTok or Twitter/X – assuming, of course, that those platforms are still around, and that the community you want to reach is using them. Or maybe you’d go more old school and place an advertisement in the local newspaper or TV station, if that’s how your community gets their news.
And these days, that’s a big “if.”
The truth is, it’s harder than ever to reach people with accurate, useful information – even when it’s about the things people need urgently to get by and work toward a better future. It’s why Solid Ground is constantly working with our partners to make sure everyone in our community knows about the support we can offer and how people can get it.
It’s also why we’re grateful for our growing partnership with Converge Media, a pioneering media company that produces award-winning programs about and for the Black communities of the Pacific Northwest. To help us reach even more people in Seattle and King County, Converge recently helped us produce a series of seven 30-second public service announcements (PSAs) about various Solid Ground programs and opportunities.
These PSAs feature Solid Ground staff delivering calls to action to volunteer, join RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program), attend Rent Smart webinars, and more. We’ve submitted these PSAs to local broadcast stations and posted them on our YouTube channel.
The PSAs are just the latest result of a growing partnership with Converge that started last spring when its founder, Omari Salisbury, gave a powerful keynote speech at our 50th Anniversary Gala. And we’re already working with Converge to produce a video to be shown at this year’s Annual Gala, Building pathways beyond Poverty, on Wednesday, May 28, 2025.
At Solid Ground, we know that no organization can end poverty on its own. We’re grateful to be able to partner with a media company that values community as much as we do and knows how to foster it.
If you’d like to help support independent Black media in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, go to Converge Media’s We Need Your Support webpage.
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