Last weekend Sand Point Elementary honored Earth Day with a community-wide celebration. It was jam packed full of families, students, community members, art projects, scavenger hunts, games, and delicious veggies! The highlight of the event (for me) was a student-led Farmer’s Market. A crew of dedicated student volunteers showed up early for the event to help harvest some delicious, fresh produce straight from the Sand Point garden. We collected and bundled up tons of nutritious kale, mustard greens, spinach, chives, mint, rosemary, flowers, and broccoli. The students then went to work setting up our display table to show off our beautiful bounty.

Big bite of an apple to get ready to sell some produce!
The next task for our market vendors was to set prices for our produce. Students worked together to determine what a fair price for families armed with Sand Point ‘Squirrel Bucks’ would be.As soon as the clock struck 10am it was show time. Things got off to a slow start on this Saturday morning and my market team was getting a bit antsy. Though, sooner than later customers started trickling in and the Squirrel Bucks started piling up; before we knew it we needed to start harvesting more produce!
At the day’s end we sent families home with TONS of fresh veggies and collected over 100 Squirrel Bucks! As we were cleaning up our table one of the student vendors asked me if he could keep our Farmer’s Market sign. When I asked him what he planned to do with it he replied “I want to keep it so that one day when I open my own Farmer’s Market I can use it”.

Pay day!
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