It’s been a whirlwind season for me at Marra Farm. You may recall my earlier reflections from the start of my internship in March, and it’s hard to believe my time here is at an end – but onward and upward I go! I am about to depart for my Peace Corps service in Zambia, and although life is moving very fast right now, I know I’ll never forget what I’ve learned from the good people at Lettuce Link.
I remember my first visit to the farm – Amelia and Mike and I pulled weeds in the greenhouses and planted bok choy seeds into dozens flats. Those seeds have long since matured and been harvested by now. We planted something, we helped it grow, and it was given to someone to eat. That is the root of all the hard work that we do, and what I feel most privileged to have been a part of these past short months.

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